Pine Trestle Table
An antique folding pine trestle table c1920 with oak sprung stretchers and mortice and tenon construction.. All sturdy when in use, clean (no nasty splits and splinters) and a lovely colour. Water damage to one end (discoloured but still hard- see closeup photo). Dimensions in inches/cms; Top is 72"/183cm x 31.75"/81.5cm x 0.875"/s.2cm. 28.75"/73cm tall. Folds to 4"/10.5cm. For more / higher res images please see my blog which can be accessed through the news section of this (haes) website.
£ 385
ID: 32769
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User : Edward Haes
Phone : 01254 389559
Mobile : 07866 370030
Address : Lancashire, UK