Mahogany & Brass Table Lamp
A large and unusual (one off probably) antique table lamp which has a plain brass stem supported on a large oblong base with stepped brass chamfered plates and moulded mahogany on solid brass ball feet. Heavy item in very good condition. Stunning with the right shade. Rewired with new safety switched antiqued brass lampholder, 3.5meters (3m exposed) havana gold flex and a "traditional" hard plastic/bakelite plug. Dimensions in inches/cm; 21.25"/54cm inc. lampholder. Base is 10.25"/26cm x 8"/20.5cm. Ball feet are 1.25"/3.25cm diameter. For more / higher res images please see my blog which can be accessed through the news section of this (haes) website.
ID: 25544
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User : Edward Haes
Phone : 01254 389559
Mobile : 07866 370030
Address : Lancashire, UK